Estes Echo

Estes Kids Support the Work in Haiti

Sunday night at Estes, we saw an outpouring of love from our young people who are learning all about what it means to be caring servants of God. Partly in tribute to the legacy of our beloved sister Roberta’s work in Haiti, the kids at Estes held a “Haiti Fair” to raise money for the Lord’s work there in general and the SonLight Children’s Home in Port au Prince in particular. With their combined efforts, the event raised $1442.44.

While this was a combined effort of kids, parents, and the Estes members who bought lots of stuff, it was the brainchild of Dana Blackwelder, Kelsey Rotz, and Kelda Massey who developed and organized the event. Kelsey said that she was just “overjoyed” by the support given by the Estes members who came. Parents were excited to be involved and to have a fun way for their kids to be involved in the important task of helping others. She also said that one of her favorite things about the evening was seeing the excitement on the kids’ faces.

Kelda explained that once the idea was proposed to the Estes parents, they just ran with the idea. The kids were asked to come up with their own money-making ideas–something that they could make to sell, or a service that they could provide. The wares were quite varied and demonstrated a wide range of personalities and means of expression. Items and services included cookies and other baked goods, Christmas ornaments, birdhouses, original paintings (including some high-demand robot paintings!), dog sitting, and the melodies of our resident saxophonist. In all, 30 kids were involved. Parents, kids, and organizers all hope that this can even become an annual event.

Let’s all thank God for sending such tender and willing hearts that through his will can serve the church, the Lord, and his people into the next generation!

Estes Echo

Bible Chronology

The 66 books of the Bible are not arranged chronologically, and this can sometimes cause confusion. Two considerations are (1) when each book was written, and (2) what periods of history are covered in each book. Having a general idea of Bible chronology helps put the whole biblical story into perspective.

Bible history can be divided into three major dispensations, and while the dividing line between each of them can be linked to a significant historical event, transitional periods made the change more gradual than abrupt.

The Patriarchal Age is the historical period from Creation to the time of Moses, in particular to the giving of the Law at Sinai. A “patriarch” is a father-figure, the head or ruler of a family or tribe. During this period of history God communicated His will through the patriarchs. The first eighteen chapters of Exodus may be considered a period of transition.

The Mosaic or Jewish Age covers historical events from Moses (at Sinai) to the time of Christ. During this time the divine will was communicated through the Law of Moses and the prophets (cf. Luke 16:29). The life and ministry of Jesus might be considered a transitional or developmental period, with Jesus’ death on the cross being the turning point (Col. 2:14).

The Christian Age is the period from Christ’s death and subsequent resurrection until the end of time. Throughout this dispensation God has spoken through Jesus by way of the New Testament (Heb. 1:1-2). During the 1st century AD, as the new covenant revelation was gradually unfolding, the Jewish system slowly faded away (cf. Acts 21:20-27; Heb. 8:13b) until the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 administered the crushing blow (Matt. 24:1-2, 34).

From the very beginning the Bible story has pointed to the Christian Age which God had planned since before the foundation of the world (2 Tim. 1:9). Throughout the Patriarchal Age the Lord was working to accomplish this scheme (Gen. 3:15; 12:3; 22:18). During the Mosaic Age God continued working toward the realization of this divine plan (Gal. 3:19-29). Finally, when the time was right, the divine purpose was brought to fruition in the Christian Age (Gal. 4:4-7).

–Kevin L. Moore

Estes Echo

Growing Up

The maturity of children from babes to adults is a fascinating development. They’re born into this world totally ego-centric. For all babies know, the whole world revolves around them. All they care about are themselves. Babies weep when they’re hungry, whine when they’re uncomfortable, wail when they’re irritable. But to the glory of God they grow out of this in time with the proper training. Eventually they’ll mature out of the desire to always be first. Their little egos will need to be stroked less often as they learn to accept their value from God instead of from other people.

As much as I love babies and children, I’m surely glad they mature and don’t remain trapped in immaturity throughout their lives. It is God’s plan for people to mature. Although it’s God’s plan, the choice is ours to do so. The scriptures command to us, “Press on to maturity” (Hebrews 6:1). We are commanded to grow up: “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). It happens often, however, that believers stop maturing or even go backwards in their development.

It has been my observation that much of the spiritual immaturity in the church today comes from attitudes. The Apostle Paul teaches us to, “Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5). He writes on to teach us about the humility and self-denial of Christ. Is that the type of attitude you have? Or do you think only about yourself? Do you desire attention? Do you lust to have your ego stroked by others? Do you threaten to quit when things don’t go your way? If so, then this is not the attitude of Christ.

It seems to me that when many people speak of spiritual maturity, they’re not thinking about having the attitude of Jesus. Spiritual immaturity is seen in people who, like young children, always desire attention and recognition. Spiritual immaturity is seen in the person who, like a baby, always wants to be fed, but never does any feeding for others. Spiritual immaturity is illustrated by the kid who threatens to take his ball home and quit if the game isn’t going the way he likes.

Tenure as a Christian should not be confused with spiritual maturity. The number of years a person has been a Christian doesn’t guarantee maturity at all. There are plenty of people who’ve been Christians for decades who still need to grow up. Do not confuse Bible knowledge with spiritual maturity. Although we are to mature in our understanding of God’s word (1 Peter 2:2; Hebrews 5:12-14), one may know the scriptures exceptionally well, yet think and behave like a child. Church attendance should not be confused with spiritual maturity. We’ve all known “three times a week brethren” who have displayed the attitude of babies. But thinking less about self and more about others is a definite sign of spiritual maturity.

Self-centeredness is at the heart of spiritual immaturity and a violation of scripture. Paul warned Timothy that, “Men will be lovers of self” (2 Timothy 3:2). He warned the Philippians of, “Those who seek after their own interests” (2:21). Being self-centered often results in problems for marriage, families, and church. “What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage wars in your members?” (James 4:1-2). Jesus, after observing the behavior of several religious people, condemned those who are always seeking a place of honor and recognition and told his disciples not to be this way (Luke 14:7-11).

As Christians we’re told, “Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interest of others” (Philippians 2:4). Why? Because love “does not seek its own” (1 Corinthians 13:5). Learning to think of others and not just of yourself is a major sign of spiritual maturity. This is a sign that we have grown up in our faith. “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me” (Jesus, Luke 9:23).

–Caleb Cunningham
–Submitted from the Salem Story, bulletin of the Salem Church of Christ in Salem, Alabama

Estes Church of Christ Live Stream

Estes Church of Christ Live Stream

Estes Church of Christ Live Stream

Estes Echo

OCTOBER 27, 6 – 8pm
Haunted Hallways, Games, and Goodies

Each year, with the help of many individuals and families, we line up cars, vans and SUV’s in the parking lot–all decorated to entertain and hand out candy to hundreds of children and their families. There are games and prizes, hot dogs and snacks, crafts and much, much more! This is a great outreach for our community.

We are looking forward to a great event this year —but MANY volunteers will be needed!

There are many ways you can get involved in Trunk-or-Treat…

SETUP– We will set up the tables downstairs and in the foyer for Trunk-or-Treat on Sunday night. Most of the decorating will be done on Monday night. See Rachel Salmon, Sara Wood, Stacey Dalton, or Shawna Northrop if you can help with this task.

VOLUNTEER–Contact Suzanne Scott to help with simple games and craft stations. Easy and fun! You will be provided with details before the event.

FOOD–Bring finger foods or chili for hot dogs. Lots of drinks and desserts will also be needed. See Shannon Morris or Christy McManus to help in this area.

TRUNKS– We need lots of trunks! Decorate your trunk with fun, kid-friendly decor to bring smiles to the faces of the children and their families as you hand out candy to the costumed young ones! (Setup at 4:00pm–ready for visitors at 5:30pm) Need some help deciding what to make your car look like? PINTEREST IT–there are lots of super creative (and thrifty) DIY trunk decoration ideas. If you would be willing to host a trunk, or “donate” your car for a college student to host a trunk–please contact Suzanne Scott.

And speaking of CANDY–LOTS of candy donations are needed for Trunk-or-Treat! Please bring bags of new, individually-wrapped candy/goodies to the container in the lobby this Sunday, October 25. You could also help with making sure each car is stocked up on candy/goodies during the event.

Of course, you are not limited to only one way to be involved–every helping hand is welcome!

Join the fun by helping out with this tradition! Lots of help will be needed before, during, and after (especially afterwards when we have a mess to clean up!).

Invite your friends and neighbors! Whether you come to hand out candy, to volunteer, or to participate in the festivities, we look forward to seeing you!

UPDATE – Statement on missionary Roberta Edwards

HENDERSON, Oct. 23 – A memorial service for Roberta Edwards will be held on Thursday, Oct. 29, at 7:00 p.m. at Estes Church of Christ, 3505 U.S. Highway 45, Henderson, TN 38340. All are invited to attend.

HENDERSON, Oct. 13 – Estes has received messages from around the world in the past three days, highlighting the far-reaching impact of Roberta Edward’s life and ministry. Edwards was killed Saturday evening, Oct. 10, when gunmen attacked the vehicle she was driving near her home in the Haitian city of Port-au-Prince. A four-year-old foster child was traveling with her and has not been located since the attack.

Edwards was director of SonLight Children’s Home, a foster home and nutrition center that provided full time care to 20 children and served another 160 two meals a day. Following an earthquake in 2010, her work in Haiti expanded to other development projects including education and skills training.

“Roberta was remarkable. She had an unwavering love of God, her children and the people of Haiti,” says Dr. Jesse Robertson, minister at Estes Church of Christ and long-time friend of Roberta. “We are absolutely devastated by her loss.”

An Estes team in Haiti was escorted to the airport on Monday morning, Oct. 12. Photo by Carrie Sells.

An Estes team in Haiti was escorted to the airport on Monday morning, Oct. 12. Photo by Carrie Sells.

A team of 29 Americans, including 18 from Estes, arrived in Port-au-Prince on Friday, Oct. 9, for a week long medical mission trip coordinated by Edwards. They were at the orphanage at the time of the attack. The mission team returned to America on Monday, Oct. 12.

The Estes church is committed to continue the work in Haiti. A small team that includes an elder from Estes and a mental health professional are returning to Haiti this week to spend time with the children at the orphanage. “The needs in Haiti are great,” says Robertson. “We have an obligation to Roberta and her children to see that the work continues.”

Condolences may be addressed to Roberta’s parents, Bob and Laura Edwards, at P.O. Box 1568, Burgaw, NC, 28425.

A memorial service for Edwards will be scheduled in Henderson, Tenn., in the coming weeks. Details about the service and the ongoing work in Haiti will be posted here.


Roberta Edwards

Roberta Edwards

HENDERSON, Oct. 11 – Our hearts are saddened to report the death of our missionary Roberta Edwards. On Saturday evening, Oct. 10, witnesses report that Roberta’s car was stopped by another vehicle which intentionally blocked her path. Armed gunmen emerged from the vehicle and fired into Roberta’s car, causing her death. Haitian authorities are investigating, and the identity of the perpetrators and the motive are not known at this time. She is survived by her parents, Robert and Laura Edwards.

Roberta was the administrator and “Mom” at SonLight Children’s Home in Port au Prince, Haiti, where dozens of children have received foster care over the years. Roberta also directed a nutrition center that feeds 160 children two meals a day, five days a week, in addition to providing funds for these children to attend school. At the time of her death, she was providing care for 20 children at her home. Her work has been overseen by the Estes Church of Christ since 2002. The facility where the children’s home operates is provided by Manna Global Ministries, and supporters of Roberta’s work in Haiti include individuals and congregations across the U.S. and beyond.

Roberta was a light to those in the community and dedicated to bringing hope to the hopeless. She knew that she worked in a dangerous setting, but had committed herself to care for children in Haiti despite these risks. Roberta has received her reward for her dedication to serving the Lord in Haiti. She will be missed in Haiti by her children, the community and friends. She will be missed here in the States as an encouragement and inspiration to us all. It is our intention to honor her memory by continuing the battle against Satan in Haiti and pressing on in the work of God’s kingdom.

Memorial services and funeral arrangements are pending, and we will provide updates as those become available. If you would like to honor Roberta with a memorial gift for the work in Haiti, those may be sent to the Estes Church of Christ, P.O. Box 191, Henderson, TN, 38340, and her family will be notified of your tribute. Please be praying for her parents, her children at SonLight Children’s home and the many Haitian brothers and sisters who are deeply grieved by this loss.

Estes Echo

Gospel Meeting: Let’s Talk About Jesus!

This coming week (October 11-14) Estes invites you to participate in our Gospel meeting featuring six lessons on the nature of our unique savior.

Every generation needs to hear about Jesus. The place of Jesus is unique. God’s “only one of a kind” son (John 3:16) was given for humanity to obtain eternal life. In 1 Timothy 3:16, the apostle Paul spoke of the great story of Jesus, once hidden but now revealed. Several qualities he attributed to Jesus include that He was manifested in the flesh, preached among the nations and received up in glory. Such restrained words stand for the marvelous revelation of Jesus. The four core lessons of our discussion will show more of the revealed place of Jesus, as the promised, rejected, crucified and risen Savior. It is a message that continues to need preaching today as much as it did when the voices of the apostles first echoed in the streets of Jerusalem. The Bible Class lesson is a stand-alone discussion of Christian joy drawn from Philippians. The final lesson will feature the Lord’s great parable of the prodigal son.

Our speaker for the week is Tim Orbison who is is in his nineteenth year preaching for the Maysville, Alabama congregation. He and his wife Libbie met and married while attending Freed-Hardeman and now have three grown children, Lauren Thompson, Leah Shull, and Tyler Orbison and three grandchildren. Tim holds degrees in Bible from FHU and Lipscomb (MAR). His interest in biblical archeology has taken him to Israel for times as well as to Greece and Egypt. He spent a month on an archeological dig in Israel at the ancient site of Ein Gedi, on the Dead Sea. Never a boring scholar, Tim’s interests also include flying as a private pilot, snowboarding, and tinkering with just about anything mechanical. He and Libbie both also enjoy long-distance motorcycle touring and camping.

Food for Orphanages & Books for School

As part of Roberta’s work in Haiti, she coordinates the purchase and delivery of food each month to three different orphanages. There are 80 children at the Kardeh orphanage, 60 children at the Lilivois orphanage, and 35 children at Fara’s orphanage who receive meals because of this work. Funds are given by the Beltline Church of Christ in Decatur, Alabama, to provide the food for these deliveries.


Kardeh Orphanage


Lilivois Orphanage 


Fara’s Orphanage

The feeding of these children is in addition to the feeding that Roberta oversees for children at the Nutrition Center. This year the number of children being fed the Nutrition Center at Roberta’s home has risen to 180!

Many of the children who attend the Nutrition Center also have the opportunity to have their tuition, uniform, and book fees paid so that they can attend school. The funds for this Education Program are collected and managed by the Estes Church. Pictured below are the books that have been purchased for the children this year. The children from the Sonlight Children’s Home and the Nutrition Center help to sort all the books and put them into individual book bags. Each child will then get a book bag ready to go for school!


Sorting school books!

There is a lot of great work going on in Haiti. Please remember Roberta and all these children in your prayers. If you’d like to get involved with any of these projects or become a sponsor, please email and we will be glad to answer any questions!