Estes College Ministry
/in News/by tscottBy Jonathan Estes
Maybe early in your 2023 reading plan you read Genesis chapter 5 and the genealogy after Adam. In verse 24 we read that “Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.” It is just a quick blurb that is quite remarkable. This man Enoch had a relationship with God that was so strong, that God took him straight up to heaven.
I want to have a connection with God so strong that people around me can say that I walk with God. I grow that connection when I spend time in study and meditation in His word. I grow that connection when I spend time on my knees in prayer to the Creator and Almighty. I grow that connection when I spend time in worship and public study of scripture.
I also want a connection with other people that want a connection with God. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 encourages us to connect with others so we can better connect with God. I thrive when I am being built up by my brothers and sisters and encouraged to stay strong and continue growing.
Our connections class on Sunday mornings in the basement is designed to help us connect with one another as we seek to connect more closely with God. The study of God’s Word has made a bigger impact in my life when I have shared with others the beauty, struggles and challenges that we discover on the pages of scripture.
Our college ministry stems from this connection that we seek as we look to serve others while serving God. Students of God’s Word, from age 18 to 80, join together as a large group to discuss topics and passages that challenge introspection and growth. Small groups then reflect on the topic by discussing thought provoking questions centered around the topic. The teacher will tie the group back together the last few minutes of class.
We also seek to connect in our college fellowships on the fourth Sunday night in February and April. These will be hosted at a member’s house and provide opportunities for all of us to connect with others that love God and want to encourage each other to walk with Him.
We are blessed at Estes to have an opportunity to connect with so many wonderful people that want to walk with God. So whether you are a college student spending the next 4 years of your life looking for connection with a new group of believers or you are one of our senior saints looking to connect with the next generation of believers, you will have an opportunity to connect in the Estes College ministry.
Incite: A movement of God’s Men
/in Uncategorized/by tscottby Alex Walker
Men need men.
So do wives, sons, and daughters. So does the church. But for men to be who God wants them to be, men need godly men.
Godly men are not like the world; instead, they work to “turn the world upside down” Acts 17:6. Trent Scott’s t-shirt design for Incite Men’s Ministry has a clever double meaning that speaks to our choice of the name “Incite” for the ministry – “Incite: a movement of God’s men.” It is both the name of the program and what we want to do. We want to incite action, change, and growth as Chritian men so that we become the disciples, leaders, husbands, and fathers that God wants us to be.
We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. Breakfast starts at 6:30 a.m., and we dismiss at 7:30 a.m. This venue provides a unique opportunity to address matters that cannot be covered in regular Sunday or Wednesday Bible study. We typically have a speaker followed by small group discussions. Since Incite began in 2014, we have studied and discussed marriage, grief, purity, leadership, accountability, racism, materialism, trauma, fatherhood, pride, spiritual goal setting, eldership, gender issues, anger, spiritual discipline, kindness, modesty, and so much more. Most of the speakers have are from the Estes family, but a guest speaker is not uncommon. Past guest speakers have included Larry Ivery, Barry England, Matt Cook, Ralph Gilmore, Sam Jones, Paul Johnson, Roy Sharp, and many others.
Incite helps build relationships with other Christian men. It helps us tackle subjects that must be talked about to handle the challenges and opportunities of today’s world. We are instructed to bear one another’s burdens, Gal. 6:2, and some burdens are best carried with other men. Proverbs 27:17 says “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Building inter-personal, God-honoring, Bible-centered relationships between Christian brothers sharpens all involved.
All ages are welcome. Please join us.
P. S. We serve bacon.
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Sunday Bible Study at 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship at 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday Bible Study at 7:00 p.m.
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3505 Highway 45 South, Henderson, TN