Young Professional’s Christmas Party
Mitch and Natalie Zlatovich homeBring a $5 Dirty Santa gift and a dozen cookies. More info in the Facebook group.
Bring a $5 Dirty Santa gift and a dozen cookies. More info in the Facebook group.
Performance after evening worship (approx. 6 p.m.) We will host a soup/sandwich fellowship after the concert so bring enough to feed the singers and guests as well! SEE THE FOOD […]
Men's breakfast
Bring finger foods, drinks, board games, and plan to stay ‘til midnight. We will sing in the new year!
Evangelism University is not a youth rally, but is designed specifically for High School leaders in your youth group who are spiritually ready to begin sharing the Gospel with those […]
Wedding shower for Clayton & Sarah (Sells) Carnett Sunday, January 28, 2-4 pm Debbie McLaughlin’s house, 403 Crook Ave. Registries at Target, Walmart, Southern Chic, and Bed, Bath & Beyond.
The vision of CYC is to maintain a positive program, which empowers our teenagers with sound teaching and challenges and encourages them to live their lives for Christ. This program […]