Estes Echo
OCTOBER 27, 6 – 8pm
Haunted Hallways, Games, and Goodies
Each year, with the help of many individuals and families, we line up cars, vans and SUV’s in the parking lot–all decorated to entertain and hand out candy to hundreds of children and their families. There are games and prizes, hot dogs and snacks, crafts and much, much more! This is a great outreach for our community.
We are looking forward to a great event this year —but MANY volunteers will be needed!
There are many ways you can get involved in Trunk-or-Treat…
SETUP– We will set up the tables downstairs and in the foyer for Trunk-or-Treat on Sunday night. Most of the decorating will be done on Monday night. See Rachel Salmon, Sara Wood, Stacey Dalton, or Shawna Northrop if you can help with this task.
VOLUNTEER–Contact Suzanne Scott to help with simple games and craft stations. Easy and fun! You will be provided with details before the event.
FOOD–Bring finger foods or chili for hot dogs. Lots of drinks and desserts will also be needed. See Shannon Morris or Christy McManus to help in this area.
TRUNKS– We need lots of trunks! Decorate your trunk with fun, kid-friendly decor to bring smiles to the faces of the children and their families as you hand out candy to the costumed young ones! (Setup at 4:00pm–ready for visitors at 5:30pm) Need some help deciding what to make your car look like? PINTEREST IT–there are lots of super creative (and thrifty) DIY trunk decoration ideas. If you would be willing to host a trunk, or “donate” your car for a college student to host a trunk–please contact Suzanne Scott.
And speaking of CANDY–LOTS of candy donations are needed for Trunk-or-Treat! Please bring bags of new, individually-wrapped candy/goodies to the container in the lobby this Sunday, October 25. You could also help with making sure each car is stocked up on candy/goodies during the event.
Of course, you are not limited to only one way to be involved–every helping hand is welcome!
Join the fun by helping out with this tradition! Lots of help will be needed before, during, and after (especially afterwards when we have a mess to clean up!).
Invite your friends and neighbors! Whether you come to hand out candy, to volunteer, or to participate in the festivities, we look forward to seeing you!