Estes Echo

What Are You Getting Out of Worship? (Part 3)

As we seek to please and honor God while preserving the scriptural integrity of worship, what improvements can and should be made? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Bring a worshipful disposition with you (Psalm 63:1-3). No one else can step in and do this on your behalf.
  2. Prepare for worship (Psalm 122:1). Be rested, and allow enough time to avoid the frantic rush; read scripture, meditate, and/or pray beforehand.
  3. Keep your focus (Colossians 3:2). There will always be potential distractions, both internal and external. Worship is not designed to be easy. It requires personal effort.
  4. Don’t depend on someone else to worship for you (Psalm 19:14). Take responsibility; intentionally give of yourself.
  5. Avoid unnecessary complaining, excuse-making, and blame (Philippians 2:14-15). If your worship is unacceptable, it is generally your own fault.
  6. Be accountable to God (Jeremiah 17:10). You cannot judge the hearts of your fellow-worshipers, but the Lord certainly can while he judges yours.
  7. Be an encourager (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Express your appreciation to those who lead the services. Generously offer smiles, love, and positive words to those with whom you assemble.
  8. Conserve the balance of spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). True worship consists of both the right attitude and the right doctrine, neither to the exclusion of the other.
  9. Don’t allow unbiblical teachings and practices to infiltrate the worship assembly (Matthew 15:8-9). Know the Bible and stand for what is right.
  10. Maintain a spirit of humility, reverence and awe (Revelation 4:9-11). This is entirely up to you.

“Give unto the LORD the glory due to His name; Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness” (Psalm 29:2).

–Kevin L. Moore