Estes Echo

God’s Providence in our Evangelism

God cares very much about everybody. God loves everybody. God especially cares very much about and loves his children. Read what Jesus says about this in Matthew 6:25-34.

God wants everybody to live eternally in heaven. Read what Paul says about this in Acts 17:22-31. Jesus died on the cross so all the sins of every single soul may be washed away. Read what Paul says about this in Romans 5:18-21. God’s perfect plan of salvation was devised before our world was formed. Read what Paul says about this in Ephesians 1:3-14.

God sent Jesus into our world at just exactly the right moment. Read what Paul says about this in Galatians 4:1-7. God knew that was just exactly the right moment. God had observed what actions we had taken up to that precisely right time. In fact, he had directed, guided and/or otherwise influenced at least some of those actions. The Bible gives us some insight into some of his directions, guidance and influence, however, it is silent about many of his ways. God’s ways are simply beyond our comprehension. Read what Isaiah reveals about this in Isaiah 55:6-13.

God plans for people to find out about him by you and me telling them about him. When we talk about God, a lot of people will think we are fools. However, some people will see the power of God and the wisdom of God when we talk about him. Read what Paul told the Corinthians about this in I Corinthians 1:18-25. So, let’s start talking!

Yes, but. I’m scared. I may make someone mad. I may lose friends. I may become one of those folks everybody tries to avoid because I’m looked at as a religious fanatic. You are absolutely right. You may be scared, and some or all of that stuff may happen. So? I would very much not like to be fined, jailed or otherwise punished for talking about God. I would very much not like my family’s welfare endangered by my being punished for talking about God. Could that possibly happen? Yes. You could be persecuted just like Hebrews 11 and secular history tell us God’s people were persecuted. I do not want to go through any of that. But. “What then shall we say to these things?” God is for us. Read Romans 8:31-39 to see just how completely God protects us. Read what Jesus told Peter in Mark 10:28-31 about what happens when God’s people sacrifice themselves to God. Read what Jesus said discipleship means and the protections that go along with it in Matthew 10:26-31.

When someone greets you with “How are you”, a simple response like “Truly blessed” may trigger a conversation. When you greet someone with “How are you?” and they reply “Well, I woke up this morning!”, you might reply with “Yes, life is good. I am, though, looking forward to what’s coming next” or something like that. Nothing obnoxious, just something to maybe get them thinking about eternity. Truly listening when someone is talking, being compassionate, and genuinely caring about others may lead to conversations about God. Just plant seeds and water wherever you can. God will provide the increase. Exactly how will he do that? Exactly what will happen to you in this life? I don’t know. God knows. Read what John heard about that in Revelation 2:8-11.

–Gary Irwin