Estes Echo
Encourage Someone Today
The Visitation Program will be reorganized this month. New teams begin meeting next month. If you are a current participant and want to continue or if you would like to join the program as a new member, sign up at the display in the lobby.
The program’s purpose is to encourage those who are shut in or sick (and our missionaries and military) through personal visits or sending cards or emails. Participants in the program are divided into teams, and each group meets once a month to eat together and to make assignments. Some groups are larger and meet in the fellowship room. Some groups are smaller and meet in homes. You can indicate your preference on the sign-up sheet. We also encourage you to indicate that you will be a group leader (the main responsibility is to organize the monthly meetings). If you have questions, see John McLaughlin.
Associated with the Visitation Program is the Estes Connections Team. The Connections team also meets once a month but does good works and service projects as a group. If you’d like more information about Connections, see the lobby display or contact the Rudders.
We always need more Estes Greeters. If you’d be willing to work with this program and greet our members and visitors each Sunday morning, there’s a sign-up sheet at the lobby display.