Kid’s Christmas Party

Estes 3505 Highway 45 South, Henderson, TN, United States

Sign up on the Activities’ Board to bring breakfast/brunch foods. Each child should bring a fun/silly gift ($10 or less). If you do not have small children and can help with crafts and fun and kitchen duties, see Kelsey Hagewood.

FHU Chorale Performance

Estes 3505 Highway 45 South, Henderson, TN, United States

Performance after evening worship (approx. 6 p.m.) We will host a soup/sandwich fellowship after the concert so bring enough to feed the singers and guests as well! SEE THE FOOD SIGN-UP SHEET ON THE ACTIVITIES’ BOARD.

Finals Week Singing

Estes 3505 Highway 45 South, Henderson, TN, United States


Estes 3505 Highway 45 South, Henderson, TN, United States

Men's breakfast

New Year’s Eve party

Estes 3505 Highway 45 South, Henderson, TN, United States

Bring finger foods, drinks, board games, and plan to stay ‘til midnight. We will sing in the new year!

Evangelism University

Hardin County High School 1175 Pickwick Street, Savannah, TN, United States

Evangelism University is not a youth rally, but is designed specifically for High School leaders in your youth group who are spiritually ready to begin sharing the Gospel with those around them.

Sells Carnett Wedding Shower

McLaughlin Home 403 Crook Ave., Henderson, TN, United States

Wedding shower for Clayton & Sarah (Sells) Carnett Sunday, January 28, 2-4 pm Debbie McLaughlin’s house, 403 Crook Ave. Registries at Target, Walmart, Southern Chic, and Bed, Bath & Beyond.