COVID-19 Update
Update 6/5/2020
Worship at the building resumes on Sunday, June 7. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Update 5/28/2020
Dear Estes Family,
As we stated last week, the elders have determined that June 7 will be the day for us to come back together at the Estes building for worship. We are so much looking forward to that day when we can start meeting again in person! Until then, please join us at 10:00 a.m. every day, or what works best for you in your schedule, as we go to our Father in prayer and ask Him to give us wisdom as decisions are made and continued protection as we come together as His church.
We also want all the congregation to feel safe as we come together. Please know that we are in constant review of the effects of the Coronavirus, not only nationally but also locally in Chester County and its surrounding counties. The Tennessee Department of Health is providing updates on a county by county basis, and we review those updates on a daily basis. From our analysis, as it stands today, we believe we can now come together in a limited way and know it is safe to do so. With that in mind we have outlined, using the guidelines from the state health department and the Centers of Disease Control (CDC), what we believe are good practices to help keep us safe. Please know these are not mandates. These are temporary recommendations that, if we choose to follow them, should help each of us know we have a safe environment in which to meet.
Here is our plan for June 7:
- We ask that you assemble in the auditorium by 10:30 a.m. The doors will be opened no earlier than 10:00 a.m. The service will be live streamed on the Estes website for those not yet comfortable assembling.
- If we reach our capacity, the overflow will be directed to meet in the basement.
- Hand sanitizer and masks will be available in the foyer, and we encourage usage. Remember, the wearing of a mask is not necessarily for the benefit of the wearer but instead to help protect those of our congregation that may be more vulnerable. We want everyone to feel safe as we come together as a family. This is just one way to help make that a reality and demonstrate our love for one another.
- Individual communion packets will be available on tables in the foyer to collect as you enter.
- Contribution boxes will also be stationed in the foyer for you to contribute upon entering or exiting the building.
- To ensure we stay within social distancing guidelines, every other pew will be roped off for non-use. Except for those of the same household sitting together, everyone is to sit at least six feet apart.
- We ask that you refrain from shaking hands, hugging, or congregating for the time being. We know how difficult this will be but please do so for everyone’s safety.
- The exterior doors will be propped open to avoid contact as you enter and exit.
- If restroom use is necessary, avoid congregating and wash your hands.
- When the service is concluded, please exit the building immediately.
We ask that you consider worshiping at home if you are (or someone in your home is) in one or more of the following categories:
- Chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma
- Serious heart conditions
- Immunocompromised
- Diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or liver disease
Please do not attend if you have been …
- Infected by COVID or suspect you may have been.
- In contact within 14 days with someone who has tested positive for COVID.
- Sick or had a fever in the last 48 hours.
We understand that some may delay returning to the assembly for a while for various reasons. We want you to consider your own health and make a determination that you feel is wise and appropriate. We do not feel you are neglecting services when your health is compromised or jeopardized. We pray as the Coronavirus threat subsides and your health improves, we can all be together.
Please call us if you have questions or concerns and we will address those with love and compassion. Above all, know God is with us and for us, even during a pandemic! May He be glorified in all we say and do.
The elders
Update 5/23/2020
After many hours of discussion and research and with focused prayer, the elders feel the time is nearing in which we may once again assemble at the building for joint worship. Although things are still uncertain with many facets of the pandemic, the best information at hand suggests that, with caution, June 7 is a reasonable time to plan to have the Sunday morning worship service at the building. Sunday evening, Wednesday evening worship services, and Bible classes will remain online for another two weeks or so as we carefully watch this transition back to normalcy. This initial approach may need some tweaking as we continue learning about Covid-19, but with everyone’s patience and support, we feel things should go well. One special thing we need your help with is prayer. We ask that for the next two weeks, you take a moment every day at 10:00 a.m., or a time that works best for you, and join the elders in praying (Phil. 4:6) about the June 7 return to Estes. Ask our God for wisdom and understanding (James 1:5) in discerning His will and for the safety and good health of us all during this return home.
Our worship assemblies will look very different than what we’re accustomed to, so we ask for your patience and cooperation. It seems nearly everyone has a different opinion about how we ought to proceed, so use this as an opportunity to be loving and kind and promote a spirit of unity. In these less-than-ideal circumstances, if we err in any direction, we prefer to err on the side of the health and safety of each member of the congregation and our community. More information will be shared in the days ahead explaining in detail what June 7 will look like.
May our God be honored and glorified as we return home!
The elders
Update 3/17/2020
Dear Estes family,
As we continue to learn more from medical professionals about the risks of the coronavirus and the best ways to protect those who are most vulnerable, we must constantly re-evaluate our plans. The most recent guidelines from the federal government suggest that group meetings should be limited to ten people. Because of these changing realities, we believe we must temporarily change the way we meet for worship on Sundays.
Beginning this Sunday we will move to streaming an online Bible class and worship service until further notice. This week, we will be working with our ministers and song leaders to plan for these classes and for worship. A link will be made available no later than Sunday morning for you to join. We will have class as usual at 9:30, followed by worship at 10:30. One of our preachers will bring a lesson. An option for online giving will also be made available, and we ask that you would continue to give generously, which enables Estes to support a number of missions and ministries locally and around the world.
Plans are being developed to make communion supplies available. More information about this will be shared later in week. Or you may choose to purchase your own communion supplies. Some of you may want to meet in small groups with other members of the Estes family in homes. However, we strongly encourage all of our members over the age of 60, and those with pre-existing health conditions, to stay in.
We realize that this is an unsettling time for many. We do not want to be alarmists, and we certainly put our confidence in our God, who is mighty to save and the greatest of physicians. But we believe these measures are reasonable and are in keeping with our Lord’s desire for us to care for each other and for our community. We trust you will find peace in Him, and we look forward to the time when we can all be together again in our building. These changes are temporary, and the elders will continue to assess the situation in order to bring us back together as soon as the imminent threat is over.
Until then, please know that we are concerned not only for your physical well-being, but especially for your spiritual well-being. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to call one of us.
Romans 8.38-39 – For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Update 3/15/2020
In addition to our spiritual well-being, the elders are also mindful of our physical and social well-being, and we want to be good stewards in our community.
In consideration of health concerns for our community and church family, there will be no services at the building tonight or Wednesday night, March 18.
We will be streaming a message tonight at 5:00 p.m., and you can view it on Facebook Live (even if you do not have a Facebook account). You can join us online or use this time for Bible reading, study, prayer and reflection.
Our Hispanic ministry will meet tonight at 5:00 p.m. at the building.
All other services and events are postponed for the time being.
Check your email for announcements and information on upcoming worship assemblies and church activities.
An update from the Estes Elders 3/14/2020
The Estes Elders have been following the developments of COVID-19, or novel coronavirus 2019, closely. While the risk to the general population appears to be low, the situation is changing day by day and exercising caution is prudent. We are carefully evaluating options and responses that will protect the health and well-being of our entire Estes family.
With that in mind, please consider the following.
Join us in prayer regarding this developing situation. Pray for our Estes family. Pray for our community. Pray for our nation and our world. We serve the Great Physician, and during times of uncertainty there is nothing better we can do than bring our cares and concerns to Him.
As of now, we will hold our regular class and worship assemblies on Sunday, March 15. However, all fellowship activities, including visitation team meetings, youth events, Incite, and other events taking place at the Estes building, are postponed until further notice.
The virus appears to pose a greater risk to our senior saints and those with compromised immune systems. Because of this, the elders encourage these members of our Estes family to avoid gatherings – including worship assemblies – until more information is known or the situation changes. You can stream our worship services and classes online. Please let us know if you need assistance setting this up.
If you do not feel well, stay home. Before attending any event, including our worship assembly, we ask that you pay close attention to symptoms including fever, cough, and shortness of breath. If you believe you are developing symptoms, please consider the health and wellbeing of your Estes family and remain home.
Be mindful of good hygiene. Whether at Estes or at any public place, be aware of the recommendations provided by the Centers for Disease Control, including avoiding close contact with people who are sick, covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, avoiding contact with your eyes, nose or mouth, and washing your hands often with soap and water. You may wish to bring personal hand sanitizer for use before and after communion service to minimize the spread of germs. You can find more tips at
Look for opportunities to serve. We are a family. Be on the lookout for unique opportunities to love your brothers and sisters. The next time you go to the grocery store, consider asking one of our senior saints if you can pick up anything for them so they don’t have to get out.
This is a fluid situation, and the elders are prepared to take reasonable and responsible actions to protect the well-being of the Estes family. There will likely be more decisions and changes made in the coming weeks, so check your email often. We will keep you updated and informed.
We love our Estes family, and we are praying for your health – both physical and spiritual.
The Estes Elders